R.T.I (Right To Information)

Statutory Declaration under Section-4(1) (b) of Right to Information (RTI) Act-2005

Name of the Principal:Dr. Anup Maji:
Name of the Institution:Jibantala Rokeya Mahavidyalaya
Address:P.O- Mallickati, P.S- Jibantala,
Dist.: South 24 Parganas, PIN-743502, WB.

Jibantala Rokeya Mahavidyalaya has been affiliated to the University of Calcutta, Kolkata, West Bengal since. The college discharges its functions in accordance with the rules and regulations established by University of Calcutta and amended from time to time and instructions/ orders issued by Directorate of Higher Education, Government of West Bengal. The College has its own Governing Body formed under West Bengal Colleges and Universities regulation act' 2016. The college has several subcommittees formed by the Governing body that discharge various administrative functions to maintain all types of disciplines in the campus. The College comes under the General Audit by Statutory Auditor — referred by the Director of Public Instruction, Educational Directorate, Government of West Bengal.

Major Activities:

  • The major activities are in accordance with the vision and mission of the college that is to provide opportunities for the rural students, and hence each family in and around Jibantala, may have graduates.
  • Communal harmony is established through NSS, Sports and Value Education, Cultural Programmes and Extension Activities.
  • Through quality education, skill training and awareness building programmes, upliftment of socially and economically suppressed students and their parents is being ensured.
  • Introducing job oriented courses and imparting education for skill development, college provides a good support for the students in searching for good jobs. College also encourages students for entrepreneurship Development.

Profile of the Institution:

Government Aided College included under 2(f) and 12(B) Schedule of UGC Act 1956.

  • Head of the Institution :Principal, P.O- Mallickati, P.S- Jibantala, Dist.: South 24 Parganas, PIN-743502, WB.
  • Contact Number: 8927660147
  • Email (Principal): jrmprincipal23@gmail.com
  • Website: https://jibantalarokeyamahavidyalaya.in/
  • Working Hours: From 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
  • College Office Time: From 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
  • Class Time: From 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
  • Visiting hours for the public: From 12:00 Noon to 2:00 PM on all working days
  • Library Hours: It remains open on all working days from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
  • Holidays: The College remains closed on all Public Holidays and as notified earlier.

Courses Offered:

A. Under Graduate Programmes B.A Honours/Major:

  1. Bengali
  2. English
  3. Sanskrit
  4. History
  5. Political Science
  6. Philosophy
  7. Education

B. Under Graduate Programmes B.A General:

  1. Bengali
  2. English
  3. Sanskrit
  4. History
  5. Political Science
  6. Philosophy
  7. Education
  8. Arabic
  9. Geography

C. Under Graduate Programmes B.Sc. General:

  1. Computer Science
  2. Mathematics
  3. Physics
  4. Electronics

The applications submitted under the RTI Act along with a postal order/demand draft for Rs.10.00 obtained in favour of Principal, Jibantala Rokeya Mahavidyalaya, West Bengal will be properly responded on time. All information about the college under Section 4 (1) (b) of RTI Act, 2005 is open to the public and it can be obtained by any citizen of India.



Public Information Officer:
Prof. Dr. Satap Halder
Department of Philosophy,
Jibantala Rokeya Mahavidyalaya,
P.O- Mallickati, P.S- Jibantala,
Dist: South 24 Parganas, PIN-743502, WB.
Mobile: 9007685467

Appellate Officer:
Jibantala Rokeya Mahavidyalaya,
P.O- Mallickati, P.S- Jibantala,
Dist: South 24 Parganas, PIN-743502, WB.

Till date no RTI application is pending.